After you read this, you will either give me three cheers, or you will think I am nuts. If the latter is the case, I hope and pray that I will at least have challenged you enough to do some fresh reading and studying yourself on this subject, with these ideas and thoughts in mind.
The book of Revelation is a legal document - full of legal terms and written in the literary form of ancient legal agreements. It is also a deeply Jewish book - a book that draws heavily from the Old Testament scriptures. When I say heavily, I mean heavily - John is quoting from the OT constantly in this book, and the symbolism - including most of the beasts, visuals, numbers, descriptions, and language - in this book are straight out of the OT writings. Dozens of actual quotations from the OT scriptures and easily over 300 allusions to them in this book of prophecy alone! When a 1st century Jewish-minded individual (the letter's original audience) read this book, it would have been like they were reading a complex and in-your-face mash-up of all the sacred writings they grew up memorizing, studying, and teaching. This fact is important, because it is a prophecy primarily about - or shall we say primarily against - the ancient disobedient nation of Israel.
The courtroom of heaven - after the opening words of encouragement to the churches, John witnesses a legal proceeding taking place in heaven (Rev. 4) - and it is a trial, a court case - complete with a judge, a defendant, representation for both sides, and witnesses.
The defendant on trial - the ancient nation of the twelve tribes of Israel. Her main charge - continuous and open adultery, whoring after other lovers - when she is married to God, the Lord. She was married to Him about 1,500 years earlier at Mount Sinai, and the marriage contract that they both signed was the Mosaic Law (See Lev. 26). Her counsel is the beast, fueled by Satan himself, the father of lies.
The defendant on trial - the ancient nation of the twelve tribes of Israel. Her main charge - continuous and open adultery, whoring after other lovers - when she is married to God, the Lord. She was married to Him about 1,500 years earlier at Mount Sinai, and the marriage contract that they both signed was the Mosaic Law (See Lev. 26). Her counsel is the beast, fueled by Satan himself, the father of lies.
The Lord God is the judge in this case, and Christ the head prosecutor - God sits on His throne, as judge in heaven's courtroom - yet the trial cannot begin because no one had yet been found worthy to prosecute her (Rev. 5) - no worthy representation for the glory of God on earth. Until He appears - the One man worthy to open the scroll of the court proceedings (a sealed and binding legal document which also includes the charges, the verdict, and the sentencing for this adulterous woman on trial - Rev. 6).
The witnesses called against her - (two or three at least are required under the law) are the members of the infant Christian Church (Rev. 11)- who have stood against her, and have retained their white garments and and their testimony in the face of great tribulation. These righteous - who also include all the righteous prophets killed by the Jews (including Christ) throughout their wicked history - stand before the judge, their blood crying out for justice (Rev. 6:9-11).
She is found guilty, and as her sentence is given, it is unfolded in terrible waves of the wrath of God - four sevenfold judgments - the promised consequences for not keeping the marriage covenant that she (ancient Israel) had made with her King (as described in Lev. 26). Seven seals are opened, seven trumpets sounded, seven thunders utter their voices, and seven bowls of Gods wrath are poured out on her (Rev. chapters 6-17). However, God does not judge the righteous with the wicked - they are spiritually - "marked" or "sealed" and thus protected from His terrible wrath that is being poured out on Her. Both the righteous Jews out of every tribe of Israel who had washed themselves in the blood of the Lamb as well as the righteous gentiles from every non-Jewish tribe, language, people group, and nation (Both in Revelation 7). The carrying out of her sentencing climaxes ironically in stoning (see the last bowl of Gods wrath poured out at the closing of chap 17) - the consequence of anyone who committed adultery under the law of Moses.
The woman's accomplices revealed - (Rev. 12 & 13) Throughout this sentencing and these judgments being poured out, the adulterous woman ancient wicked Israel and her counsel, representation, and accomplices are made clear. She is adulterous and wicked ancient Israel, who has made herself drunk on the blood of the saints. The beast upon which she rides is Rome, personified in her lewd emperor Nero Caesar (the Hebrew letters of whose name add up to the numerical value of six hundred sixty six), who helps her persecute the saints of God. All who did not receive his "mark", or affirm Caesar as their King during the latter part of his tyrannical reign from 62-68 AD could neither buy nor sell and were sought out to be put to death. We know this "marking" is spiritual rather than physical because the righteous are also seen as sealed - with the "Mark of God" in their foreheads.
The sentence carried out (the closing action and resolution of the story) is envisioned beginning in chapter 18, as the city in which "was found the blood of all the prophets and the saints" (Rev. 18:24, compare with Jesus' closing statements in Mat. 23), and "Where our Lord was crucified" (Rev. 11:8) is seen lying in ruins, its smoke rising up to heaven. The divorce is complete - and the adulterous and wicked woman sentenced and put to death.
The accomplices are also sentenced and judged, and the righteous receive settlements - (Rev 19 & 20) All under the Old Covenant then appear before the judge as well - and receive their just reward, either with the righteous of God, or with the woman, the beast, the devil and his angels. The end of the age has come - the end of the age of the Mosaic law - accounts under it are being settled, a new age is being ushered in, and the Lord is taking a New Bride.
The accomplices are also sentenced and judged, and the righteous receive settlements - (Rev 19 & 20) All under the Old Covenant then appear before the judge as well - and receive their just reward, either with the righteous of God, or with the woman, the beast, the devil and his angels. The end of the age has come - the end of the age of the Mosaic law - accounts under it are being settled, a new age is being ushered in, and the Lord is taking a New Bride.
Outside the courtroom, after the proceedings - No sooner than this legal proceeding finishes do we see the Lord and His representation greeting His new bride. He has already purchased her with His own blood out of every "tribe, language, people group, and nation" of the world (including the righteous of ancient Judaism), and has been waiting patiently until He is legally free from His previous wife before he holds the grand marriage celebration with his New One. This radiant woman appears (Rev. 21 & 22) - "The bride, the Lamb's wife" is seen coming out of heaven from God down to the earth. Two whole poetic chapters are spent detailing her radiant beauty, earth-cleansing effects, and glorious and everlasting qualities.
Concluding thoughts - Countless varying interpretations of this book have shrouded it in a dark cloud of mystery and fear for many followers of Christ over the last two thousand years. But just as the right master key will open every difficult door, so I believe that the proper interpretational key will open every mysterious picture and statement in this book. A proper understanding of the timing, subject, and purpose of this book of prophecy will make it all clear - and bring much glory to God who divinely authored and preserved it for edification of the church throughout all subsequent generations!
For more on pertinent concepts in the book of Revelation which lend credence to this way of reading it, start follow this blog. In the meantime, here are some blogposts I have already made on these subjects so far as I have started blogging through this book, section by section, so far:
-An initial look at the vital time statements found within the book of Revelation
-On the copious evidence for the "early" date of the penning of this book
-On the poetic declatation in Rev. 1:7
-On the nature, timing, and purpose of this grand "second coming" of Christ
-My separate blog on how this view of Bible prophecy fits with Jesus' vital statements in the gospels, and with the important writings in the Acts & the epistles
This blogpost is dedicated to my kool-kat sister Ellen who my heart loves. She, like all of you, deserves to know what I believe to be the truth on this heavy biblical subject :)
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